Tag Archives: Hopf

Günter Scharlach in Bleckmar, Germany

Here are some pictures of Günter Scharlach’s time as theology student in the Lutheran Mission Seminary, Bleckmar, at the LTH Oberursel i.T. and also in Hamburg at the Mission Academy.

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Mary of Bethany

Read a translation of the devotion by the inspector of Lutheran Missons (Bleckmar) Pfarrer Friedrich Wilhelm Hopf DD in the 2nd “Missionsblatt” edited by him: 1951 Januar Nr 2 43 Mary of Bethany

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Latest from our Mission

Skipping the long feature by Dr. Martin Pörksen (Brecklum) on holy Baptism as break with the pagan past and also the news from the mission field around the world, there follow now the latest issues news items from “our mission” … Continue reading

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“In the name of the LORD Jesus”

Here’s a translation of a devotion on Colossians 3:17 written by the late director of Lutheran missions (Bleckmar) Rev.Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Hopf in the first “Missionsblatt” edited by him in January 1951. May it be read in the same Spirit … Continue reading

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Vater Wilhelms Rundbrief

ר י צִ קְ לִ   ם י לִ עֲ   חַ לֹ שְ לִ   ר י צִ קָ הַ   ל עַ בַ ־ ל א   נ נֲ חַ תְ הִ  ן כֵ לָ ׃ ם י לִ עֲ הַ   … Continue reading

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SELK News: Friedrich Wilhelm Hopf in Ausstellung aufgenommen

Evangelischer Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus SELK: Friedrich Wilhelm Hopf in Ausstellung aufgenommen Hannover, 27.9.2013 – selk – Die seit dem 8. November 2011 einsehbare Onlineausstellung zum evangelischen Widerstand im Nationalsozialismus (www.evangelischer-widerstand.de) ist um die Person von Pfarrer Friedrich Wilhelm Hopf, … Continue reading

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