Tag Archives: Is 62:6-7.10-12

Lutheran order of the divine service in isiZulu, seTswana and English.

The Lutheran Order of Service for Reformation Holiday is available here in isiZulu, seTswana and English. Today it comes with a sermon based on God’s word from Philippians 2:12-13 by Rev. Kurt Schnackenberg in English (WE1454141102 Reformationday) and translated as … Continue reading

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Predigt zum Reformationsfest in both English/German

Predigt  ueber Jesaja 62:6-7.10-12 gehalten am Reformationsfest in St. Paul:  and here is a sermon by my brother Rev. Christoph D. Weber held today in Chatsworth Lutheran Church on the same passage from Isaiah, but in English: Sermon Reformation Chatsworth 2013.11.03 … Continue reading

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