Tag Archives: Facility

Rector’s report at St.Pauls annual meeting

Here’s my brief summary of the rector’s report delivered at St. Paul’s annual meeting this afternoon in the short time slot as allocated by Pastor Martin Paul – in writing: LTS RRStPaul 2016 and for listening:   

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Help our Seminary in Pretoria

As we come to a close of our academic year 2013 and are looking at the new applications to study at the Seminary next year, we urgently request your prayerful support and financial assistance to successfully address the big challenges … Continue reading

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Rector’s message

Yesterday at the Seminary’s end-of-academic-year-function we did not only celebrate the abundant blessings and mercies of our Lord, who has provided for yet another good year with lots of opportunity for learning, growing, living, praying and tasting how friendly our … Continue reading

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